Manchester United star Chris Smalling has moved in an attempt to clear things up to the public after the collision between him and Barcelona star Lionel Messi on Wednesday.

The United defender has suggested that there is actually no bad blood between him and FC Barcelona star man even though much talk went on about how he caught Messi with his arm during the Champions League game.

After the collision, Barcelona star Lionel Messi was left with a bloodied nose as he went on to receive treatment with some fearing at the time that he could have been forced to sit out the rest of the game.

Even though medical reports after the match have shown that Messi’s injury was not severe, there have been some blame aimed at Smalling for getting involved in dirty tactics.

But the United star has defended his intentions and let everyone know he does not have any ill intentions towards Barcelona’s star man.

“Yeah we spoke after. I didn’t realise at the time actually that I had caught him like that. But after the game we had a brief chat, shook hands and he said he knew it was an accident.’ Smalling said (Metro)

“[Luis] Suarez after as well, we had a good tussle and he just shook my hand after and said good luck and we just said good luck.

“So it’s nice when you can have that battle on the pitch and then obviously there’s full respect after the game because ultimately you’re just trying to do your best and enjoy the game.”

William Prescott 
Manchester United star Chris Smalling has moved in an attempt to clear things up to the public after the collision between him and Barcelona star Lionel Messi on Wednesday. The United defender has suggested that there is actually no bad blood between him and FC Barcelona star man even though...